Gourmet Meat and Cheese

Student Leadership Care Package

The Student Leadership pack is a celebration of students’ drive to positively impact campus communities across the country.

$ 40.00 USD
$ 40.00 USD

The Student Leadership pack is a celebration of students’ drive to positively impact campus communities across the country. Exclusively designed by residence hall leaders, this pack contains favorites like Kraft Easy Mac & Cheese, Nutella Hazelnut Spread, Slim Jims, Welch's Fruit Snacks, Reese's Pieces, Nacho Cheese and Cool Ranch Doritos, Bare Fruit Fuji Red Apple Chips, Big League Chew, Gatorade Fruit Punch Mix, Kellogg's Brown Sugar Pop Tarts, Oreo Cookies, Chewy Chocolate Chip and S’mores Granola Bars, Tic Tacs, Cheez-its, Fruity Cheerios Cereal On The Go, Haribo Gold Bears Mini Gummies, Act II Microwave Popcorn, Rice Krispies Minis Bags, HK Anderson Pretzels, and Chex Mix!

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