The Return Safely to School Kit is a fantastic way to show a student you know that you care about making them feel safe when they return to campus. Your student can expect to find the essential safety items they’ll need with this kit.
SILVERbac™ Antimicrobial Face Mask Print Pack of 3
Triple Layer Face Masks by Martex Health SILVERbac™ antimicrobial technology powered by silver-infused fibers that inhibit the growth of odor-causing bacteria. Lab tested.
SILVERbac™ Antimicrobial Face Mask Blush Pack of 3
Triple Layer Face Masks by Martex Health SILVERbac™ antimicrobial technology powered by silver-infused fibers that inhibit the growth of odor-causing bacteria. Lab tested
Cleanliness = key. Send that squeaky clean feeling to your student - even from miles away! Fight germs and stay fresh with wipes, hand sanitizer, a fresh toothbrush, masks, and more!
Support American Manufacturers with these super clean essentials. Send a kit and stock up on hand sanitizers, soaps, and face masks - All Made in the USA.