The Return Safely to School Kit is a fantastic way to show a student you know that you care about making them feel safe when they return to campus. Your student can expect to find the essential safety items they’ll need with this kit.
Things have changed a lot over the past couple of months, so when students return to the dorm next semester, make sure they’re prepared! The Return Safely to School Kit is a fantastic way to show a student you know that you care about making them feel safe when they return to campus. Your student can expect to find the essential safety items they’ll need with this kit, including:
2 100% cotton 3 Ply face masks that are machine washable and reusable Made in the USA.
2 travel size (and refillable) hand sanitizers made with 64% ethyl alcohol to kill bacteria and germs Made in the USA.
1 package (15 ct.) of Germisept Multi-Purpose Alcohol Wipes made with 75% ethanol alcohol.
2 pairs of nitrile disposable gloves.
Give your student the peace of mind that comes with arriving on campus prepared. This kit can be customized with a personal message of up to 75 words that’s sure to help them feel safe.
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