A sweet treat is the perfect study break snack for any student and this Treat House exclusive product has 24 assorted Rice Krispies Treats™ bars. This amazing treat assortment includes flavors like caramel sea salt, s'mores, cookies and cream, birthday cake, and cotton candy.
Our gourmet popcorn makes the perfect gift for any occasion, and it comes in a fun, reusable geometric patterned tin. 2 gallon tin. People's Choice flavor mix (Caramel, Cheesy Cheddar, and Kettle)
What's better then a dozen donuts?! How about a dozen donuts made out of rice krispies!! Exclusively from Treat House, order your student a 12 pack of their signature Rice Krispies Treats™ donuts.
No movie theater? No problem! Enjoy all the fun of going to the movies with friends right from your dorm or apartment with this box filled with everything you need to host a virtual movie night. Whether you’re a candy lover or prefer the salty snacks, this kit has enough to share. Grab some popcorn and start streaming!