So Hanukkah is coming up and you might have forgotten you need 8 nights worth of gifts. The pressure for the holiday is on, but have no worries you can try packing your gifts into one super care package! If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the upcoming holiday there are a few fun suggestions that might help bail you out.

Something Festive
These are some great gifts that of course follow the Hanukkah theme. Just a few odds ends that will help get your loved ones in the holiday spirit. Don’t worry there is a little something for everyone!
Lots and lots of socks!

Socks are a staple gift of any gift giving occasion making them perfect for a Hanukkah care package stuffer! Image courtesy of Amazon
Socks have a tendency to get lost in the drying or go missing for long stints of time which is part of why having too many is almost never an issue. Besides Amazon sells this cute Hanukkah set as an option so you can mix and match these bad boys however you see fit. Another great advantage of getting socks is one size fits most so you don’t have to worry about getting the right measurement options.
Mensch on a Bench

Mensch on Bench is the right size to be a wonderful Hanukkah care package! Image courtesy of Amazon.
You’ve heard Elf on Shelf not get ready for Mensch on a Bench! As the company slogan suggests it’s the newest “way to bring more Funukkah to Hanukkah”. The Mensch comes with 8 rules to follow when someone brings him into your home.
- Give him a name! What better way to bring the mensch into the home by giving him a name. You can choose whatever name your family likes.
- Have fun with it! This little guy is supposed to become a part of your family and your holiday traditions. You can fold him into the family traditions or even make a few new ones of your own. Remember the goal is to bring more Funukkah into Hanukkah!
- Every day give him a Shamash candle to hold. Every night use the Shamash to light the Menorah.
- He’s infused with Hanukkah Magic! Make sure the kids in the house know that generally the Mensch lets go of the candle pretty easily, but if they misbehave he holds on tightly and they might not light the Menorah. If the Menorah isn’t lit there are no presents.
- The Mensch can’t sit in one spot for too long. Move him around daily and give him new sites to see. Mensches love having fun so get creative with it.
- Take his picture! Menches love having their pictures taken with the family. Take one each night on Hanukkah. The Mesche makes for the perfect photo opt and it’ll leave you with great memories for years.
- Give to others. The Mesche spirit is about doing good for others. One night of Hanukkah instead of opening presents, buy some for those in need.
- Let him watch the Menorah. Menches don’t sleep so he’s the perfect guy to be on Menorah watch overnight.
This gift is perfect for anyone with young ones or anyone who is hosting Hanukkah (i.e aunts, uncles, grandparents, friends of family, etc.) or for the children themselves! This gift brings a fun few traditions to Hanukkah and helps instill some wholesome values into the kids. It also comes with a handy dandy children’s book that will help teach kids the origin story of holiday. Stories include stories about Moshe the Mends and Judah Maccabee and their role in the Jewish holiday. The company also has a few other pals if your friend already does have Mensch on Bench such as: Snow Mensch, Mitzvah Moose, and Ask Papa – Talking Grandfather Doll are great companions for Mensch on a Bench. He does need friends after all or else he’ll get lonely.
Ugly Hanukkah Sweater

Since Hanukkah falls in the winter season it’s best to pack an ugly sweater into your Hanukkah care package! Image courtesy of Etsy.
Ugly holiday sweaters are a must have in the winter season. They are warm, feastive, and it’s the one time you can wear something ugly and it’s still considered to be fashionable! Plus there’s a chance for some punny wordplay if you’re feeling cheesy. What’s great about the sweater above is that the store, GetUglySweaters uses the proceeds to help feed families in need. One sweater can help feed about 14 hot meals to anyone in need. So not only do you get your friend a pretty nice gift, you’re also helping charity! Which great way to get yourself in the Hanukkah spirit.
Hanukkah Cookie Cutters

Great holiday to put in your Hanukkah care package. Image courtesy of Amazon.
These cutters will take your average holiday cookie and give it major Hanukkah flair. They’re cute, fun, and simple! This will make decorating even easier just cut the dough into the shape you want, bake it, and then put on the frosting color of your choice! Last step optional of course.
Backup Candles!
This gift idea is simple, but effective. Since Hanukkah candles burn for quite sometime over the holiday. It’s no mystery you will be needing to replace Hanukkah candles from time to time over the years. So getting your friend a few fun extras will be a nice practical touch to your Hanukkah care package.
A Little Something To Eat
Every holiday worth its salt has good food to chow down on. Of course, on the Jewish holiday you need to ensure that every food you get is kosher. Even though people observe kosher in varying levels of participation it’s better safe than sorry. Especially because Jewish holidays are sacred this could be time when someone practicing might limit themselves to kosher foods and drinks.
Dried Fruit and Nut Platter

A delectable dried fruit package would be great for a hanukkah care package! Image courtesy of carepackages.
These yummy treats are great for snacking! What’s nice about this product is that it's a healthy alternative to the standard holiday calorie-filled indulgences! This platter of course is certified kosher! There are about 38 ounces of premium nuts and extra delicious dried fruits from apple tings, plums, and cherries to so much more. This can be a snack that your friend doesn’t have to feel guilty about digging into!
Gourmet Peanut Brittle by Its Delish

Peanut Brittle is a delicious treat to pack in your Hanukkah care package. Image courtesy of Etsy.
ItsDelish Etsy shop sells certified kosher OU pareve non-dairy peanut brittle. It’s only 12 dollars for a whole pound! Which is a whole heck of a lot of peanut brittle for a pretty good price. Not to mention peanut brittle is a top tier choice of dessert. Sweet, salty, crunchy… can’t you feel your mouth already watering?
Opa's Kosher Beef Jerky
Beef Jerky is the crowd pleaser of lifetime, but is not often readily available for those keeping kosher. However, the Etsy shop OpasKitchen changes produces kosher jerky. Your friend will love this meat treat when you send it to them in their Hanukkah care package! Who doesn’t love beef jerky? This product has four yummy flavors to choose from peppercorn, spicy, honey sriracha, and teriyaki.
NETO Chocolate produces vegan chocolate assortments that kosher parve certified. The variety pack comes with a mix of truffles, mendiants, chocolate dipped orange slices. What’s great about this is in fact the choices the package gives you. Your friend is bound to have like one of the three treats offered up in the NETOchocolate box. Plus there are plenty of treats to share or keep for yourself over the 8 days of Hanukkah.
Some Fun Filled Extras
Now that you have your festive gifts checked off and your obligatory food treats let’s get back to the basic Hanukkah gift ideas for your loved one.
Cold Brew Coffee Maker
A cold brew ice coffee maker is a unique gift idea for your Hanukkah care package idea. Image courtesy of Amazon.

Ice coffee has been on the rise in daily coffee drinkers in recent years. 22 percent of Americans said they drank iced coffee according to the Statista Global Consumer Survey. For the iced coffee lover in your life grab a cold brew coffee maker. This way they can enjoy the cool beverage at home and skip out on going through the drive somewhere and getting an iced coffee. Not only is it a money saver, but this way you can always rest assured that your ice coffee is made just right. Every drinker will tell nothing ruins their day like a poorly made ice coffee. Give your friend the gift that can ensure that won’t happen again.
Mini Popcorn Popper

Mini popcorn poppers are perfect Hanukkah care package stuffers because they’re so tiny! Image courtesy of Amazon.
This gift is great for the movie lover in your life! The one of the best parts of going to the movies than in fact the delicious popcorn. Take a little bit of the big theater finesse straight to home viewing comfort. An additional perk of this gift is that it only makes a little so you know you won’t go overboard snaking like you would at the theater. This nifty little gift would be a great Hanukkah surprise!
Fairy Light Spirit Tree

Another adorable gift to go in your Hanukkah care package. Image courtesy of Celtic Serenity.
Aesthetic decor is one of the best gifts you can give. This fairy light spirit tree will zhoosh up any space it’s in. Plus it's a great source of soft lighting if you want a little extra light, but a traditional lamp might be too aggressive. This piece will be fitting in great to your friends bedrooms, living rooms, offices, or anywhere else they might go.
These are just a few simple ideas that will get your Hanukkah care gift package started. Since you knew you friends and family best consider putting your own twist on a few of these ideas or adding a few of your own.