Giving back to people in need is one of the most important and kind-hearted things that you can do. It shows the compassion that you have for others, and it’s safe to say that we all have things that we can get rid of that someone else can use instead. There are many ways to give back and it could be taking clothes and other things you don’t want to Goodwill, for the Salvation Army, or any other organization.

Main image courtesy of ERLC.
One thing we think is extremely kind is giving to children that are in orphanages. Many children go years without being adopted and all they want is a family to go home to. Being in an orphanage can be lonesome, and this is the last thing you want a child to feel. If you have some extra things lying around that you know another child would love, or even want to treat them to some new clothes or toys, we have you covered. Continue reading to learn how to make the best care package possible for orphans today!
New or Used Clothing is a Perfect Gift for Children in Orphanages
Are you someone that is holding onto your children’s clothing even though they have completely outgrown it? Are you just not sure what to do about it? Well, we think that the best thing to do with it is to give your used children's clothing to orphanages where other kids will be able to wear new clothes and throw out their old stuff. Orphanages are always in desperate need of clothing, so if you have any extra lying around, we recommend giving it to orphans today!
Grab All of Your Used Clothes and Throw It Together to Give to a Child
We’re all guilty of it. We hang onto clothes and shoes that we have hung onto for years, but haven’t worn the last couple of years thinking we will once again. If you are hanging onto these older clothes, the best thing to do is throw them into a garbage bag, and make sure to fold everything beforehand, to give to orphans that need them. If you’re holding your children’s clothes that they have outgrown, then this is perfect for any child in an orphanage, and then just drop it off at your local orphanage where your gesture will be much appreciated.

There’s no nicer gesture than giving children in an orphanage your used, or even new clothing to give back any way you can! Image courtesy of Money Crashers.
Give Some Dresses and Shirts to Dresses For Orphans, a Charity For Orphanages
We know you want to give back to children that need it, so why not donate to Dresses For Orphans today! With simply contributing old or new dresses and shirts, you can help keep a child clothed and help them feel loved on top of it. Dresses For Orphans’ mission is to make sure that every orphaned child feels loved, and wanted, and by purchasing clothes and giving back to this amazing organization, you’ll be helping a child and significantly improving their life.
Every Kid Needs Shoes, So Make Sure to Add This to Your List Too!
Something that everyone needs when they’re walking around outside is shoes. Shoes are not only a way to keep our feet covered when we’re walking around outside, but they also help to protect and keep our feet warm as well. If you have any pairs of shoes that are in good condition, or have even never been worn before, then make sure to drop them off at a local orphanage near you. You can even check out Buckner Shoes For Orphan Souls and learn how to donate to them too!

Consider donating your new or used shoes that you aren’t wearing anymore to Bucker Shoes For Orphan Souls to keep a child’s feet warm and protected! Image courtesy of Buckner International.
School Supplies Are Essential For Every Child’s Education
Something else that you can consider giving to a local orphanage around you, or one that is in dire need of things for children in general are school supplies. From pencils, crayons, paper, scissors, markers, tape, glue, folders, and so much more, there are lots of school supplies that every child needs in order to enhance their education. We recommend that if you’re looking for something to get children at an orphanage, it is definitely school supplies!
Make Sure They are Stocked Up on Writing Utensils
Something that everybody needs in order to further educate themselves and take notes on important things is of course a pencil, or a pen if you prefer. If you want to give back to some children at an orphanage as they are learning every single day, then make sure that an orphanage is stocked up on pencils, pens, and other things to write with to make sure that every child is able to successfully complete their homework, or other school activities with.

Make sure that every kid in an orphanage is stocked up on pencils, pens, and other writing utensils to help them continue their education! Image courtesy of Mental Floss.
Notebooks and Even Loose Paper is Important Too
Another type of school supply that every child needs is notebooks and paper, and lots of it. This is important so they can take notes on what they’re learning and it’s great to use so they can do their homework like write sentences, or even practice math problems. Something that every orphanage is asking for is some notebooks and paper, so if you do that, it will mean the world to the kids!
Let the Kids Get Creative With Some Art Supplies to Enhance Their Creativity
There’s no better way to let a kid use their own imagination than with some art supplies. From crayons, markers, colored pencils, paint, easels, paper, and so much more is a great way for kids to release their stress and dive deep into their own imagination. From coloring in between the lines in a coloring book, creating their own work of art, or whatever the case may be, every kid needs to have the supplies to do so, so make sure to send an orphanage some art supplies today!

Every kid needs to get creative, so help them do this by purchasing some art supplies for children in orphanages today! Image courtesy of U.S. Art Supply.
Every Mouth of Every Child Should Be Filled, So Get Them Some Food Today
Something that every kid needs in order to grow big and strong is food, of course! From milk to build strong bones, snacks whenever they need something to hold them over before dinner, and fruits and vegetables to make sure they’re getting all of the nutrients that they need are important for a child when growing up. Orphanages are always in need of food for children. If you want to give back to orphanages around you, then here are some great food care packages to get them!
Every Kid Loves Cookies, So Make Sure to Spoil Some Little Ones Today
It’s a known fact that kids love sweets. From cookies, brownies, cake, and anything else you can think of, we are almost positive a kid will love it. If you’re thinking about getting kids in an orphanage something that you know they’ll all like, then make sure to spoil them with Mrs. Fields Signature Deluxe Cookie and Brownie Bite Tin! This tin is filled to the brim with twelve delicious cookies of all flavors and 72 brownie bites. This is the perfect gift to treat some kids to a deserving snack, so get this for them today!

Get some kiddos the Mrs. Fields Signature Deluxe Cookie and Brownie Bite Tin today! Image courtesy of Care Packages.
Healthy Snacks Are Great as an Alternative to Sweets Too
Sometimes orphanages prefer that you send them over some healthy snacks for the children instead. If this is the case, get the Healthy Blend Care Package that is perfect for kids to eat with some tasty snacks in it that they won’t even realize it’s all healthy! This care package includes veggie chips, apple chips, nuts, granola bars, and so much more. Kids will love this, so make sure to get this care package for them today!
Canned Goods are Perfect Because They Last For a Long Time
If you’re thinking about what else you can get an orphanage, then why not give them some canned soups, beans, and other canned goods? These types of goods to give to orphanages are perfect because they have a long shelf life and can be stored somewhere for a long time just in case an orphanage doesn’t use them right away. There are lots of charities and places to donate canned goods to, and Food for Orphans is one of them. Make sure to check them out today and send some canned goods their way today!

Donate to Food For Orphans to be able to send food, like canned goods, to orphanages to make sure that the orphans there are well fed! Image courtesy of UniversalGiving.
Kids in orphanages need a lot. From new clothes and shoes, school supplies, and especially food, it is important to give back to orphans just like your own kids. Giving back to an orphan helps them to feel loved and appreciated while they wait their turn to be adopted. If you are in a giving mood, look no further and give back to local orphanages around you, or charities that strive to help orphans all around the world today!
Is there a gift or care package that you would send to an orphanage filled with children that you love, but we didn’t mention? Let us know in the comments!