The world is crazy right now, and that’s putting it mildly. The global pandemic has been ongoing for the past year, and for many it still seems like there’s no end in sight.

There are a lot of things that people need or want as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, and a lot of them are either low in stock or out of stock. Not only that, but everyone’s in need of a little— or a lot —of love, especially since most people can’t see their friends or family in person.
These days, you can never have enough supplies for the pandemic, so what better way than to send some along to your loved ones? Since you can’t see them, it’s a great way to kill two birds with one stone.
It’s incredibly important to not only be prepared to protect yourself from germs, but know how to deal with it if you do test positive. Not only that, but a care package with anything in it is a great way to remind someone that they’re loved, which is especially important with everything going on.
However, here are some specific, COVID-19 oriented ideas that will be especially helpful in these trying times.
First and foremost, in order to stay safe from the coronavirus, it’s important to wear a mask. You’re not allowed to go into any stores or restaurants without them, and frankly, you probably shouldn’t leave your house without one either.
You can never have too many masks, particularly if you’re going to send disposable ones. If you want to send some reusable masks, that’d be a great idea for your care package, too! Maybe throw in some in your loved one’s favorite color.
There are other face coverings you can throw in, too, though they don’t work as well as masks. Still, a bandana is better than nothing, and a face shield along with a mask will keep you even more protected, so you could always include either of those, too. But it’d definitely be best to look into what masks are the most protective.

You can’t go anywhere without a mask these days, and for good reason, so you can never have too many! Put some masks into your COVID-19 care package, to ensure that your loved one is always keeping themselves and others safe.
If you want to include more protective gear, you can also include pairs of disposable gloves in your care package!
After all, if you’re wearing a face covering the biggest risk becomes your hands. We’ve all heard it by now— don’t touch your face, and definitely wash your hands each time you come home to make sure you don’t contaminate anything.
That’s why soap and hand sanitizer are such good ideas for a care package, too! Everyone’s washing their hands all the time, so extra hand soap would be appreciated, and hand sanitizer is also a good idea for a quick way to get rid of germs the moment you get back home.

Hand sanitizer is a quick, easy way to get rid of potentially dangerous germs, and these days everyone seems to be buying it in bulk. However, it’s something that you can go through pretty quick with a lot of use, so why not include some in a COVID care package?
You can keep it right next to the door, or even bring it along with you when you leave the house. Portable hand sanitizers are a fantastic idea for a care package.
You can find plenty of ready-made COVID safety care packages right here.
Get Well Soon
If your loved one, like countless other people in the world, gets sick with the coronavirus, consider sending them some things to help along their recovery in a care package, complete with a get well card or message!
Tissues are a standard for any sickness, and they could be a big help if one’s only dealing with lighter symptoms like a runny nose. Painkillers, too, can help reduce the headaches that sometimes come with COVID-19.
As it’s mainly known as a respiratory illness, cough drops and herbal teas can be fantastic for soothing a sore throat. Though, if you find yourself having difficulty breathing, you should see a doctor, as home remedies can only do so much.

Herbal teas are a very popular method for improving any illness, or at the very least improving a mood! A nice, warm cup of tea could be just what your loved one needs to feel just a little bit better, and tea bags are an easy fit in any COVID-19 care package.
All of these things would be a big help in dealing with the symptoms of COVID-19, so including those in a care package for a sick loved one could be a big help. It also means that they wouldn’t have to go to a store to buy those things for themself!
And, as they’ll likely be stuck at home— even more so than already, that is —you’ll want to make sure that they’re as comfy as possible. Getting sick will make one very tired. In fact, some other symptoms of COVID-19 are fatigue, chills, and body aches.
So, send them some fluffy pajamas or fuzzy socks! Maybe even a nice, new blanket if you can fit it in the care package! Anything that can make them feel nice and cozy.

If your loved one gets sick, it’s very likely that one of the only things they’ll want to do is sleep, as fatigue is a symptom of the coronavirus. It’s important that you make sure they’ll be as comfortable as possible while they’re ill.
A reusable water bottle could also be a big help— staying hydrated is important at the best of times, and especially so when you’re feeling under the weather.
In addition, you might want to include some self-care items. Candles, face masks, maybe even some of their favorite foods, you name it! Anything that you think would cheer your loved one up would be an excellent addition to any care package!
Apart from the coronavirus itself, people have been spending more time than ever at home this past year in various stages of quarantine.
Why not include things in your care package that will help your loved one pass the seemingly unlimited amount of free time they may find themselves faced with?
A COVID care package could be the perfect way to give gifts catering to your loved one’s hobbies, or gifts that get them back into old interests.
For bookworms, a journal could or a new novel could be a great way to pass the quarantine time. For more artistically minded people, you could buy them an adult coloring book— or even a kid’s one. Let’s be honest, both are fun.
Quarantine could also be the perfect time to start a new hobby, and as many people have been passing time with arts and crafts, an embroidery, knitting, or painting kit could be an excellent gift as well.

Embracing your creative side is not only a good way to spend time in the ongoing global pandemic, but a great way to relieve stress— and we all know there’s a lot of that going around! Send your loved one some art supplies, or anything else you think might interest them, in your care package to promote
But it doesn’t have to be anything so big, even a small puzzle would surely put a smile on the face of whoever you send a care package to. Or a board game, or pack of cards!
Maybe even some new headphones, so they can catch up on all their favorite Netflix shows in style.
Another popular hobby is cooking or baking! Send some fun cookie cutters, or some other supplies they might need. Maybe even send along some food— everyone always appreciates getting sent something they can eat!
Lots of people have also used the time they have in quarantine to try and get better about fitness, and with many gyms closed, some home fitness supplies could be a great gift— though weights may not fit in a care package. Instead, consider a yoga mat, or a fitness tracker!

At a time like this, taking care of your body is extra important. Gifts that pertain to fitness— especially to family members who might already be devoted to it, and are feeling like their workout regimen in their own house isn’t up to snuff —would be a great inclusion in your care package.
The world is a crazy place right now, so why not make it a little more bearable with a care package from you to someone you love?
Because of the crazy state of everything, there are plenty of items that your loved one will be sure to need for the foreseeable future, whether to take precautionary measures, to feel better, or just to have fun once while stuck at home.
Even if you can’t be with them in person, it’ll be a great way to show them that you… well, care! It’s really important, now more than ever, to make sure you’re staying in touch with those closest to you, even if you can’t be physically close for a while.
And it’ll mean a lot to your loved one to know that you’re thinking of them, and trying to be sure that they’re doing well and staying safe.